HydroBlog March 23, 2020

Combating COVID-19: Practical Suggestions

Images from the history of hydrotherapy...

U.S. Army. Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, D.C Whirl-pool baths.  Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).


U.S. Army, Glennan General Hospital, Okmulgee, Oklahoma Whirlpool leg baths.  Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).


Hydrotherapy patient with legs in whirlpool.  Image source:  Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).



Physical therapy hydrotherapy and ultra violet room.  Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).


Interior view of Hydropathic Room at Davis House showing various equipment for hydrotherapy treatments.  Boston, 1904.  Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).


U. S. Army Hospital Number 32, Contrexville, France Exterior view of the American Red Cross bath house, circa 1917.  The bath house was rented by the Red Cross with mineral springs and hundreds of tubs inside.  Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).



U.S. Army Evacuation Hospital No. 2, Baccarat, France Patients being brought into bath house and treatment room, circa 1918.  Bathhouses with tubs were used for the treatment of various conditions including skin, urological, etc.  Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).


U. S. Army Hospital Center, Beau Desert, France Wounded soldiers in bath room. Image source: Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).



View of the U.S. Government Free Bath House, Hot Springs Reservation, Arkansas, 1921. Image source; Images from the History of Medicine (NLM).



"Hydropathic applications at Graefenberg, per Claridge's Hydropathy book" by Captain R. T. Claridge - Derived from a digital capture (photo/scan) of the opposite the title page.

Via Wikipedia (See image at source here)
